We are a group of students from XXI High School in Warsaw, Poland, from two different profiles: computer science and social-lingual. We were carefully selected during the recruitment process. Our skills enabled us to be chosen out of many students who were also trying their luck and participating in a mobility trip to Greece. We were ready to face the challenge of working in a multicultural mass with new individuals, using a language that is not native to us. Despite the fact that we are a group with various personalities and tons of different interests, there is one thing that we all have in common, which is the desire to strive for equality and equal access to our generation’s goods. We are people that are very sensitive to social and digital exclusion, and want to change the world using rhetorical skills, gained through taking part in this mobility. The moment that we found out about the chance to participate in this project we knew that it was the perfect opportunity for us. Thanks to this trip, we acquired skills that will allow us to act on our own to fight various inequalities. During this international cooperation we gained knowledge that will help us educate our classmates and create a generally accessible space for different cultures in the age of digitalization. The mobility to Greece helped us learn about innovative tools for integrating the school environment after the period of online education. Because of this mobility we gained motivation to learn and further develop not only ourselves but also our friends in our school and those who we meet outside of it. This enterprise motivated us to take part in further projects due to the positive results that we received. Our trip to Greece showed us how to gain knowledge in an enjoyable way. We will for sure spread the information about these types of projects and also encourage our friends to try taking part in that kind of activity. We could not have achieved the results if not for the generous EU funding.